5 ways Bulk SMS can drive your market-share

Bulk SMS is considered a fundamental part in SMS marketing, as businesses have acknowledged its importance in helping them move forward and reach new heights. BroadNet Technologies has been a pioneer in providing SMS services ever since 2003, making it your ideal partner if you’re looking to boost your sales and grow your business.

Here are 5 ways in which Bulk SMS can make your business more popular:

1.      Segmenting your customers: There are many who would be interested in acquiring your products or services, but they have not done so in the past simply because they were not aware about your company. That is why marketing is so important nowadays. You can choose to filter your databases accordingly and send Bulk SMS to potential customers to boost your sales immediately. People always prioritize their needs above everything else, and if you are smart enough to target their needs, your business is on the right track. Targeting your current customers is never enough to outperform competition. It is important to always look out for new ones and to implement marketing strategies that also include people who you have never dealt with in the past.
2.      Introducing new customers to your business: The first point had to ultimately lead us to the second one. By sending Bulk SMS to a wide range of audience, many of whom are not your traditional customers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to not just market a specific product or service, but to also introduce them to your business and transform their status from strangers to regular customers. This is very challenging, yet quite possible to achieve with hard work and catchy content. At the end of the day, if what you offer matches what people are looking for, then a good marketing strategy will almost certainly guarantee a notable boost in sales. Bulk SMS is arguably the most effective manoeuver in doing just that.
3.      Using Bulk SMS to offer sequences: If you used Bulk SMS in order to market a specific product to a new audience that is not familiar with your business, you can always take advantage to follow-up with your new customers. For example, if your first attempt in selling your latest refrigerator was successful, you might as well resend SMS messages to the ones who acquired this product a few days later, and introduce them to other home accessories such as the latest smart TV, washing machine, robot vacuum, mobile phone and so on. You can use this very same strategy to follow up on other related products – it can be women-related, kids-related, sports-related et al.
4.      Offering visibility to a wide global audience: Is your business doing well locally but not as well globally? Are you looking to extend its reach to new heights? In both cases, Bulk SMS is the ideal solution, because BroadNet Technologies gives you the possibility to send millions of SMS messages on a daily basis. Just think about it this way, the more people you manage to reach, the more it is likely to boost your sales. Marketing your product in front of 5,000 persons is very different from doing it in front of 5 million. And remember, you are making this insane jump in exchange of very realistic budget-friendly prices. In other words, this is a no brainer!
5.      Guaranteed high open rates: People care to buy whatever matches their needs, they don’t care whether they see the message on TV, on the radio, on Instagram, on Facebook or if they receive it via SMS. The only difference is that SMS has by far the highest open rates, of above 95%. So besides giving you the possibility to reach a much higher number of recipients, you can also be confident that the recipients will instantly open your message. If they are interested in what you are offering, they will respond to your call to action.

      It is worth mentioning that you can always use Bulk SMS in order to boost your other marketing platforms in case they are not performing too well. This is mainly because emails have very low open rates, and most of them end up in the spam folders – whereas social media platforms heavily rely on ads, because organic reach has become too low with the new algorithms that have recently been implemented. But the main problem is that using ad blockers is extremely easy today, making these marketing strategies less and less effective. But an SMS does not have an ad blocker. It does have the option to unsubscribe, but this will only happen if you are targeting the wrong people and sending them irrelevant content. Whereas if you are smart enough to get them engaged with catchy messages, everything will be just fine.

      Contact us at BroadNet and let’s get started with Bulk SMS so we can help you make your business more popular!

About BroadNet
BroadNet is an international leading Business Messaging Solution Provider. We have joined the GSMA as an Associate Member – in addition to that, we have been awarded the reputable ISO 27001:2013; certification for Information Security Management & ISO 9001 for Quality Management System. BroadNet has been a pioneer in the use of SMS-messaging services across global markets since 2003, thus widening our range of services to include Bulk SMS, A2P SMS, HLR Lookup Service, SMSC Gateway and SMS Firewall. We have over 200 employees spread across our various branches, as we are happy to be dealing with over 60,000 satisfied global clients. BroadNet is indeed one of the largest international networks in business telecommunications.
For more information, please visit us at:
• Website: Broadnet
• Skype 24/7: broadnet-sms
• E-mail: info@broadnet.me
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