SMS marketing is even more essential than social media due to its utmost benefits.  

Brands use the two techniques of social media and SMS marketing to enhance the outreach and popularity of their brands. A text message became a method of marketing much before social media marketing, and even today, it still holds a good position as an effective medium of marketing.


Match up to the speed and effectiveness of social media marketing in this present age.


With each having completely different methods, styles, and techniques. 

To compare the two, we must discuss the following points:

  • 1st Liberty

SMS marketing gives companies greater liberty to deal with the people on their “list”. These are the people who have shown a certain interest in your products and services and have also shown interest in patronizing the brand when the need arises. They are have also allowed the brand or company to send them promotional messages. This is not the case with social media especially with Platforms like Facebook. Furthermore, you are bound to save a lot more funds with this concept of owned media rather than paid media, which is peculiar with Facebook, Instagram, etc. SMS marketing depends on the package you have chosen and offers great numbers to work with.

  • 2nd Pay to Boost

To a business, every progress is accounted for financially, and no business or company would invest in any activity without having some experience of success from it. Most social media platforms require you to pay to boost your post. For instance, you could spend $50 to reach out to 1000 users. Without this, the organic reach of your posts would be less than 6%. Whereas SMS marketing allows you to set your budget and choose the quantity you want to target efficiently.

  • 3rd Open Rate

As we know SMS marketing takes our message directly to recipients immediately in less than 5 seconds. And it is a well-known fact that 98% of the messages are opened immediately when they are received. According to research, 98% of the text messages sent are opened within 3 minutes by the recipient. The fast open rate of text messages had made it a very good choice for companies and firms to employ. 

  • 4rth Connectivity

Marketing campaigns need to engage the audience, not annoy them a sometimes difficult balance to strike. When it comes to messaging, there is always the chance the customer could opt-out of receiving future messages, but social media needs to be even warier of this. People love to share good content but, equally, most users are easily turned off by poor material. Social media content is more likely to interrupt someone’s stream whereas a text can be saved and read later if needed. 


 Having all this given above, now we do not doubt that text messages are by far excelling in Social Media posts.

In conclusion, consumers spend a lot of time using social media, there is no arguing that. However, they spend far more time using text messaging. Customers also would prefer to text over a social media post to act upon immediately. That is not to say that companies should quit social media, but rather take into consideration the importance of SMS marketing.

Try us @ Broadnet to experience a successful SMS marketing strategy

Our contacts Number are all mentioned in the website below

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