Benefits of SMS Marketing in the healthcare industry


 SMS marketing could play a significant role in the healthcare industry. First of all, mobile phones are presently in reach of every individual, so it is an important tool to reach the greatest number of people. One more thing in its favor is the highest open and read rate of 95%, highest among all.

The benefits of SMS marketing in the healthcare industry are pretty excelling in this field.

SMS marketing has a high positive impact on the healthcare industry which makes it a part of the strategy nowadays.

Let's go through these benefits,

  1. Setting Appointments

Whenever, any patient book an appointment with the doctors, he used to book an appointment by going personally or by telephonically. But in case of appointments, dates, and timing changed by the doctors, a hospital care center is improving communications with the patients in which they can get SMS alerts when booking the appointment and even when canceling it. 

  1. Conference Alerts

Doctors can also benefit from SMS services. Whenever, some conferences, meetings or seminars are organized, they get SMS concerning this specific event so they can reach there in time.

  1. Disease Awareness Alerts

Nowadays, medical camps and promotional medical check-ups are organized by the hospitals to increase the awareness among the people regarding their healthcare. So, they can use bulk SMS to intimate them about these useful events to spread awareness for a certain disease.

  1. New Launches

Just like when there are mobile and other digital device upgrades, similarly, the Pharmaceutical industry is working on constant upgrades on drugs and medicines as well.

For example, they use it whenever there’s a new med for the common cold, you can use bulk SMS to simply promote it to the customers and reach out to a greater number of people. 

  1. Customer Feedback and Complaints

What’s the most popular obstacle with “medicines” and tablets? Something that the common person can recognize and still has a great impact? Expiry Dates!

Well yes, and “expired tablets” are being sold in large amounts even now. So if you send out a Bulk SMS asking your consumers to report any such case against your tablets or medicines, or even hospitals, it will present them with the “confidence factor” because normally the big-shots don’t care for such complaints and feedbacks. You can insert a link of a survey asking a certain quantity of people to provide you with their feedback. 


 SMS marketing is a key tool for the success of the credibility of the health care industry.

Bulk SMS can be leveraged in a hundred different ways. But Healthcare is one of the most important industries to invest in, also has one of the most profitable ROIs for you.

Because you don’t need to have a database of your own, almost every human needs “healthcare” and that’s the truth! You have to start with adopting SMS marketing in your marketing strategy for the health care industry, especially with BroadNet!

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 About Us:

Broadnet is an international leading Business Messaging Solution Provider since 2003. Broadnet joined the GSMA as an Associate Member also it has been awarded the ISO 27001:2013and ISO 9001certifications. Broadnet has been a pioneer in the use of SMS-messaging service where it has a Direct Connections to more than 680 operators and carriers. Widening its range of products and services to include Bulk SMS, A2P SMS, HLR Lookup, SMSC Gateway & SMS Firewall. Broadnet spread presence from Beirut, Lebanon (Headquarter) along with our branches in London (UK), Dubai (UAE), Pune (India), Milan (Italy), Valetta (Malta), KSA (Riyadh), and Egypt (Cairo) where we take care of our international customers.

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