SMS marketing has helped the banking field in plenty of different ways.


Mobile phones have become so much of a necessity that no business field can deny their potential. Out of many mobile communication technologies available in the market today, there is one channel that stands out – it’s SMS marketing.

The banking business is continually facing new competitive challenges to improve margins or to decrease costs. Technology plays a significant role in enabling banks to reduce costs and perform better experiences. 


SMS marketing for banks has helped this industry to increase its margin as well as reduce costs by adopting text messaging in their strategies. 

Banks have been benefiting from SMS marketing since the rise of this service. HOW? 

Let's go through how text messaging permits banks to grow their margins.

Use text messaging for real-time alerts: 

People depositing their own money in the bank are really concerned about their money safety within this bank, so allowing this customer to have a real-time alert and delivering an SMS to the user wherever a change in the account happens creates the feeling of safety. For example, banks send automatic alerts of ATM cash withdrawals, negative or minimum balances, overdrafts and any other criteria determined by individual customer needs.

 Use SMS for account management:

With the evolution of SMS marketing, account holders can make quick changes to their accounts without having to call the service desk or go online. They can send simple codes and responses to check account balances, transaction history, bill payments, and even transfer funds.

Lastly, use SMS marketing to enhance customer experiences:

The main goal of the banking industry is to provide the best possible customer experiences and to make the customers of their own the most loyal to their services. SMS marketing can obviously help with that concern. Here are a few examples that you can do with text messaging:

    • An added level of security – It helps the implementation of Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code program can be done by using SMS. These programs help support better certainty in performing internet transaction thereby providing your customers more convenience.
    • Feedback and surveys as part of customer service – No one is interested in long internet or email surveys. A quick question or two using text messaging can really improve your feedback strategy. You can use SMS to collect feedback on specific services or interactions to boost up your future operational activities. All that you have to do is insert a link of the survey and get the results in less than a minute. 

  SMS marketing is always the answer for excelling in all kinds of sectors and BroadNet technologies help you achieve this success. 


Having stated all of these benefits that you might have while adopting SMS marketing in your banking business strategy a question would be! What are you waiting for?

BroadNet SMS providers can help you implement this SMS marketing tool in your banking strategy as it’s a pioneer in this field of text messaging

Don't think twice about reaching out to us! Benefit from our expertise.

Our contacts Number are all mentioned in the website below 

About Us:

Broadnet is an international leading Business Messaging Solution Provider since 2003. Broadnet joined the GSMA as an Associate Member also it has been awarded the ISO 27001:2013and ISO 9001certifications. Broadnet has been a pioneer in the use of SMS-messaging service where it has a Direct Connections to more than 680 operators and carriers. Widening its range of products and services to include Bulk SMS, A2P SMS, HLR Lookup, SMSC Gateway & SMS Firewall. Broadnet spread presence from Beirut, Lebanon (Headquarter) along with our branches in London (UK), Dubai (UAE), Pune (India), Milan (Italy), Valetta (Malta), KSA (Riyadh), and Egypt (Cairo) where we take care of our international customers.

Contact Us:

Skype: broadnet-sms

Support: +961 76 888 153

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