4 WAYS OF USING CUSTOMIZED SMS IN HEALTHCARE BY API INTEGRATION It’s obvious that customized SMS to patients are one of the primary use cases of sms notifications, yet we’ve learned of a few other ways that healthcare-related organizations are using our SMS API Integration. Positioning something as simple as SMS API integration that can make a customized SMS has a relatively significant impact on the patient. Patient care and healthcare outcomes are priorities for physicians, and technology continues to improve the patient experience. So, here are a few more ways Targeted Customized SMS message helps in the healthcare sector 1. Call-to-action Ok, this is related to those appointment reminders, but we’ve got to bring it up. If you’re adding an appointment reminder, add a customized shortened link for rescheduling. The clinic will save time, the patient doesn’t need to make a phone call, and the clinic recovers the revenue with an immediately rescheduled appointment. These timely customized sms messages are best sent beforehand as they reduce client no-shows and drive future appointments, just by using a simple SMS API integration 2. Notifying staff Don’t stop with the patients. Clinic and hospital staff carry mobile devices as well, so manage internal communication and activity with instant customized SMS notifications. For added speed of delivery and immediate attention-grabbing, you can use Flash SMS via SMS API integration Some ideas: emergency messages, maintenance schedules, scheduled cleaning, meeting reminders, shift changes, and even team member birthdays can all be covered via a quick SMS message. 3. Patient extensive care Appointment reminders aren’t the only notifications patients appreciate. How about test results? That SMS API integration can make a quick Customized SMS message alerts the patient that results are available, and a shortened SMS link can lead them to the comprehensive results in the patient portal. Recurrent reminders for prescription refills and recurring appointments can be triggered, or even a reminder to take medication, can prove to be helpful. And these can be useful for the doctors as well - notifying of regular check-ups, giving an overview of the patient’s health before an appointment, etc. 4. News and alerts Customized SMS helps keep patients informed. Maybe there’s an outbreak in the community that people should know about. Or send health tips and news to patients with a call-to-action to schedule an appointment to learn more. And maybe the clinic has some new services or new physicians that patients should know about. For example, physical therapy, therapy dogs, dietary counseling, etc. Customized SMS is an effective tool for all these scenarios. Simple deployment of SMS API integration will have a relatively significant impact on the experience of the patient. So here you go, the Unique Ways of Using Customized SMS in Healthcare. Wondering how SMS services can help your business. If you are interested in Bulk SMS, make sure to check out Broadnet Bulk SMS Marketing service! We provide SMS API integration that is reliable, low cost, and we can help you deliver bulk text messages worldwide. Please feel free to get in touch with our Messaging Experts at: sales@broadnet.me

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