Bulk SMS can target the right audience

Bulk SMS is the best way to market your new product or service

The importance of Bulk SMS cannot be stressed enough in today’s market, especially when you take into consideration that there are over 3 billion mobile phone users across the globe, largely exceeding the number of PC users – estimated at 1.1 billion. Targeting the right audience is an essential aspect that makes SMS marketing so special and effective nowadays.

Targeting the right audience is effective with Bulk SMS

If your marketing strategy is good enough to make your message reach high numbers of recipients, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing it right. Because at the end of the day, what matters the most is that you deliver your SMS to a high number of interested recipients, who would have the intention of engaging with your call to action. Otherwise, if everyone reads your message but none of them is interested in actually acquiring your product or service, then you would have wasted your money for nothing.

But thanks to BroadNet’s extremely updated and well-organized databases globally and specially categorized in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, we offer you the possibility to target your audience based on their age category, gender, area, work status, personal interests and much more. To put things into perspective, if you are trying to market your latest beauty products, we at BroadNet can help you target millions of women who would fit into this category thanks to our amazing Bulk SMS service. Just imagine how much money you can make out of this!

Another good example would be marketing your latest laptop, designed for young tech people who like to keep up with all the latest trendy products. We could help you target the convenient recipients with the help of our database, and make sure to increase the probability of a successful call to action.

A successful business is always looking to increase its sales and to outperform competition. There is not a more accurate way to target your audience than Bulk SMS, thanks to their open rate of above 95%, compared to the average email’s 25%. In addition to that, a recipient does not need internet connection to be able to successfully receive and open an SMS. It is therefore the least complicated way and the most user-friendly one.

When you take into consideration that Bulk SMS is the most effective marketing way in terms of open rate and call to action, and when you add to it the fact that SMS marketing has the most accurate database filtering process, then you won’t have to think twice about using it or not.

In addition to all that, the single greatest benefit that BroadNet offers in its Bulk SMS service is its immediacy. If you are a business owner, you will be looking for quality but at the same time, you will also be looking for quick results. Our SMS marketing services are offered both with high quality and in a timely-manner. Our process is very effective, yet extremely fast. Add to that, the fast open rate of an average SMS by nature. So your message will not only be delivered quickly, but will most importantly also be read quickly.

For all these reasons and more, Bulk SMS is the best way to market your products or services, and BroadNet is your most reliable messaging provider. We live in a very competitive market, so you should always take the first step ahead of your competitors. Contact us as soon as possible to benefit your own business, as we are always looking to build new, strong business relationships.

About BroadNet Technologies

BroadNet Technologies is an international leading Business Messaging Solution Provider. It’s joined the GSMA as an Associate Member also it has been awarded certification to the ISO 27001:2013; BroadNet Technologies has been a pioneer in the use of SMS-messaging service across global markets since 2003 thus widening its range of products and services to include Bulk SMS, A2P SMS, HLR Lookup Service, SMSC Gateway, SMS Firewall, Web Solutions, and Mobile Applications . The company has over 200 employees and it is working with over 60,000+ satisfied global clients. It is one of the largest international networks in telecommunications business worldwide

For more information, please visit us at:

• Website : Broadnet!

• Skype 24/7: broadnet-sms

• E-mail : info@broadnet.me

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