5 Ways To Be There For Your Customers - An A2P Text Messaging Guide

With targeted A2P Messaging , you can get directly involved with your customers and build nurturing business relationships that last long. It is simple to put into action, and a timely application can ensure long-term brand loyalty.

At Broadnet, we are consistently consulting our clients with better ways and strategies to string better results from A2P campaigns.

Here is a 5 step A2P text messaging guide for better results:

1. Realise the scope of opportunity

Approximately over 5 billion people use SMS messaging globally. 98% of texts are marked read by users compared to a paltry 20% open rate of emails. With SMS, you can reach 84% of humans whenever, and wherever.

2. Realising the importance and scope of direct dialogue

SMS provides you with a 24/7 channel to communicate with customers. This allows you to tap into their smallest of needs and solve them with business precision.

The applications are diverse. For instance, with an automated SMS system, unique verification codes can be sent each time your customer logs into an app. One channel can assure safety, efficiency and security!


3. Focus your approach

You have to assess customer needs and your capability to solve them carefully. You must keep a few things in mind like:

- Remember your core business goals

- Offer one thing at a time. Bulk offerings feel like spam and are unable to convert most of the time

- Get your team involved at early stages

- Launch and pilot scheme and work around trough tracking and analysis

1. Don’t get distracted

An authorization from your customer to receive messages means a gesture of trust. It shouldn’t be broken through practices like spam. It is your responsibility to focus on their best interest.

2. Pick the right Mobile A2P Platform

It is important for your SMS partner to realise the full scope of your business and provide the adequate services at the right price. At BroadNet , we take care to each detail including:

- Connectivity to Global Carriers

- Robust security and data integrity

- Regulatory Experience

- Strong APIs to integrate with existing IT infrastructure

- Complete end-to-end and remotely integrated solutions

A2P communication ensures one thing your customers want: regular and relevant communication from your end as a brand. With us, you get an integrated framework that allows you to build personal relationships at the click of a button!

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